Language is a being that explores by nature, it can go as far as your Being is ready and willing to transmit.


To know how to speak, to express clearly, to transmit with certainty, to communicate efficiently, to use the voice as a carrier of what we are, is an experience of tremendous power.

I approach language as a living being which is at the service of our evolution. The initial question that we pose is: From what space-time(place and moment) comes the voice with which we speak and communicate?

This encounter of training and connection is destined for those people that have decided to dedicate themselves to support and accompany other people on a path of selfdiscovery, opening to love and awakening of consciousness.

In each encounter, its founder reveals to us one of the keys of the Inner Evolution Method: The Quantum Approach; based on the following statement: “Pure look and innocent listening allow us to access a state of disidentified contemplation, which produces a powerful and natural presence”.

“Approach is the way you treat others, which is governed by the idea you have about yourself, conditioning the way you look, the way you speak and the way you listen.” One can only reach out to others in the same way that others have reached out to us and as we have learned to reach to ourselves. Reach out to… is a vital and essential movement in human beings; it is to approach, it is to come closer, it is to contact, it is to enter and sow a seed or inspire an inner movement. The way to manage this process is an art, it can be created fictitiously or it can be the natural manifestation of an attitude that has been assumed before life, circumstances, others and oneself.

In the way we treat others, it is very difficult to fake, because even if we force ourselves or make an effort to change the way we speak and treat others, what we have already registered as a way of being and treating others, will be considered as something artificial.

At the ALVERTO ACADEMY we propose to go to the root and manage the changes from the depths so that they emerge to the surface in a natural way. To do this, we do an archaeological work, where we dig into the different tectonic layers of our past, of our personality, character and temperament, to detect the episodes that have been registered as limitations or blockages and that have impacted our ”I”.

In order to support and accompany others in their processes of self-discovery or inner evolution, it is first necessary to realize that it is vital to look in a pure way, to listen in an innocent way and to contemplate in a disidentified way.

En la Academia, Alberto Varela nos propone una serie de talleres con dinámicas activas y feedbacks contundentes a través de los cuales tenemos la posibilidad, a través del lenguaje, de llegar a los demás de manera auténtica y trascendente, y de así posibilitar la apertura de campos de profunda transformación interna en el ser humano en sus relaciones y su manera de desenvolverse tanto en lo laboral como en lo profesional.

The training plan of this academy is in itself a unique opportunity to learn the ART OF LANGUAGE, and to deepen in the conscious use of words, which can function as catalyzing, liberating and transforming elements, both in people and in situations. According to the moment and the context in which the words are used, it is possible to detect how to take advantage of all the potential of the voice and what is said, to create new conscious spaces where we share life, work or projects with other people.

How do you relate to others? What do you have to say? What words do you use to speak? What are you listening to? What emotions guide your communication? Is there softness, gentleness and clarity in the way you speak? Are you willing to make a root change in the way you express yourself?

“Just as each star has the support of the whole universe, EACH WORD HAS THE POWER OF A WHOLE LANGUAGE, and each HUMAN BEING has the possibility of all of humanity.”

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Picture of Alberto José Varela

Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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