Home Eventos ONLY THROUGH TRUST CAN WE EXPAND. What does flourishing mean for a human being?

ONLY THROUGH TRUST CAN WE EXPAND. What does flourishing mean for a human being?


A question from a student of the Conscious School: How can I flourish?

“I want to flourish, because I feel that I have the power to do anything I want, but I am in a process where I am aware that in order to be a flower I first have to learn to be a human. To discover the marvelous nature of what I am. To discover the human in me, to be able to shout and sing with love and satisfaction: “I AM THAT HUMAN”. This for me is flourishing.

I am in a process of understanding everything and when I drink ayahuasca this comprehension comes, I get clarity to see my life and myself. I can see how precious I am and how wonderful life is. But then days go by and I forget, I get distracted and I stop understanding.

I would like to stop forgetting these beautiful things, without having to take ayahuasca. I would like my consciousness to be open and active every day.

Please, what can you tell me on this matter?”

The first thing to consider is that there has been a misunderstanding; you believe that you have to flourish, but in reality you are already flourishing, and this is the problem that you have: you don’t accept that something so precious in you is happening, you hadn’t considered it an option in your life and all of this has taken you by surprise. You had been taught to suffer, not to flourish, to be closed to life and love. But now everything is different.

Your soul, that knows much of what had to happen to you in order for you to flourish, has guided you along paths that are very different from those shown to you by your parents or society. Now you are in rebellion, you’re different, you are abandoning your past, you have made decisions that change the course of your life, you are accepting yourself and you are learning to love; you don’t want to suffer anymore, you are seeing in yourself how wonderful you are, you have understood that another life awaits you, and now you are already living that other life. For all of this you have drunk ayahuasca many times, you have gone through psychotherapeutic integrations, you have been to the jungle with shamans, and now that you have understood it all, you want it to be installed forever without having to put in any effort, without having to do anything.

I have some bad news for you, which is: “this is possible”. And not only that, also that: “Existence will do it all, you don’t need to do anything” (11 words that bring conflict to the ego). I say that it is bad news just for your ego, for the fact that you find the idea confronting that you don’t need to do anything in order to FLOURISH. The true essence of human nature is in flourishing, there is no other option. You yourself are enquiring into human nature and you are discovering for yourself. But human beings have created a model of life, and of living on the planet, based on slavery, and with this we have achieved a state where the possibility of flourishing has been almost extinguished. There are many social and educational ways to convert a human being into a being who suffers, who is dependent and indifferent to love and life. Now, your return to your own human nature has connected you with this expansive essence, and you find yourself in a mess. Stop the suffering and only dedicate yourself to enjoying.

Flourishing is a sub-product of trust. When we distrust, we have to do everything so that everything is under control. When we trust, everything comes naturally without trying. When we distrust, there is no way to free ourselves from burden – distrust increases the burdens, it greatens the weight of the natural way, having to control is the greatest of burdens; when things flow, we don’t have to carry the burden of anything or anyone, but in order to flow we have to let everything go, it is the opposite of control. When we trust, everything that needs to leave will leave, everything that doesn’t belong to you will fall away. Trust frees us. Distrust enslaves us. To trust is to begin to flourish.



And on the other hand, this situation in which you find yourself challenges you to go further in your comprehension. This is something even deeper and more complicated that what came before, since the nature of comprehension is limitation; this is its charm and its mystery. The wonderful thing about comprehension is that it has limits, infinite limits; this is the miracle of expansion and the transcendence that needs a mechanism on the human plane and material that places a limit so that consciousness can be challenged and overcome this challenge. When a comprehension arrives at its limit it must take a leap, if not it doesn’t expand, consciousness doesn’t evolve and as such you can’t overcome yourself. It is an infinite process that doesn’t just come from this life, it is eternal, and because of this when a human being goes inside the nature of flourishing, they inevitably connect with eternity, with their own infinity incarnate in their being.

Yours limits and prisons are a miracle that had to be this way in order for you to understand. Love your limits, lovingly accept the situations that take you to the limit of your possibilities, because when this happens you will be facing the amazing opportunity of opening yourself up more and more…

Incomprehension is the mechanism that consciousness uses on this material plane to prepare you to take another leap, but you see the incomprehension as a failure, when really it is a phenomenon of transformation. Be conscious of your incomprehensions.

For this reason, at the start I said to you: “IT IS A MISUNDERSTANDING, IN REALITY YOU ARE ALREADY FLOURISHING”.  Please, enjoy every incomprehension, because it is through these that, time and time again, you will open your heart towards expansion of your consciousness, it is the guarantee of your permanent openness, to be able to share your essence with others.

“Flourishing only occurs when we live the limit of our potential”.

Another 11 words that a master said, which, if you comprehend them, will initiate a journey to the infinite…


Alberto José Varela

[email protected]

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Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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