Home Eventos MEGA EVENT IN MADRID: INNER MASTERY INTERNATIONAL, THE CONSCIOUS SCHOOL AND THE EUROPEAN SCHOOL AYAHUASCA. For the first time all together in a retreat without limits, with the founder of the organisation…
elian y alberto

MEGA EVENT IN MADRID: INNER MASTERY INTERNATIONAL, THE CONSCIOUS SCHOOL AND THE EUROPEAN SCHOOL AYAHUASCA. For the first time all together in a retreat without limits, with the founder of the organisation…


Surrendering and opening to life, to others and to the mystery. (October 28 to November 7, one to eleven days of participation)

The largest international organisation dedicated to expansion of consciousness and opening of the heart was born from this father-son relationship.

Two men of ages 59 and 33, who started all this more than 15 years ago…taking the first steps on their healing paths. A father and a son, a son and a father…. They knew that it was their reconciliation process, not only individual but especially in the love relationship they had and that it was repressed or crushed under so many beliefs and interpretations.

To witness this meeting is a great opportunity to heal all our relationships. These men are children, lovers, partners, parents, brothers and friends, so they will transmit the keys to the healing relationships, whatever they may be, with men and women, with the family and with all those with whom we are in contact in this life.

How do we relate to things and people? What kind of bond do we have with our inner being? How do we convey to others what we are and how we feel?

Elian and Alberto are the teachers and mentors of the schools in which we teach thousands of people around the world to flourish beyond limitations. They will be accompanied by female facilitators who have been with them for years… Paula, Michela, Laura… by the organisations’ doctors, Farah and Mauricio, and by a group of international facilitators trained and prepared for years in our schools.

This event will take place in a house where 20 people from many countries live, all bonded in fraternal love, and we are those who will receive and attend to all who come with love.

We will share Ayahuasca, Iboga, Kambó, San Pedro, Bufo Alvarius, Yopo, Rapehs and Temazcal. Alberto Varela and the mentors of the Conscious School will be in charge of conscious integrations. These are the most experienced people in our schools.

There will be theoretical and practical classes, singing and live music, group therapy sessions, dance, meditation, horseback riding, massages, and so much more…

If you allow me, and from the heart I want to ask you a favour: COME ALONG, PLEASE DO NOT MISS IT. If you have any financial limitations around attending contact me to see how we can make it possible.



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Picture of Alberto José Varela

Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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