Home Eventos WHEN TRANSFORMATION KNOCKS AT YOUR DOOR – Will you let it enter?


The attitude we adopt when it is time to take a leap determines that this moment of change may or may not lead to a new beginning.

Many ask, “What is transformation? How do I know when I am in process of transformation? How can I know if it is happening to me? Is it what I really want?” If you are in doubt, it is because surely the time of Transformation knocking on your door has not yet come, but it is also possible that it did, even repeatedly, but that your attitude at that time did not allow what could have happened, to happen. Sometimes because we are not ready to listen such a call, and other times because we were not able to realise that the time came, and sometimes because we fear leaving behind so many things to which we are attached and identified.

Has this phrase ever come to you?: “LET THERE BE NOTHING LEFT”; If so, it is because you are facing an opportunity, to dare to cross the threshold of the end point, allowing everything to be pulverised.


The energy of Transformation can come in many ways. For most of us, it usually manifests itself through moments of real crisis, when everything falters, when the whole structure of life we had carefully assembled until that moment – family, partners, work, friends, beliefs, opinions, thoughts, actions – begin to collapse. It can be a bankruptcy, which makes us face the possibility of living without the security or economic stability with which we had surrounded ourselves; it may be the unexpected death of a loved one, a child or a close relative, a partner who leaves us, an accident; it may be losing a job that gave us the security of sustaining the image of being someone in life; it can be a sentimental break up that triggers hidden fears; It can be a chronic, fatal or serious illness, either our own or someone very dear to us.

As if we were being faced with situations that advise us about the death of something, of someone or of a part of us. And behind every moment in which we connect with the end of a stage of life, there is the possibility of dying to it without having lived enough …

It is also possible that it may happen spontaneously, that one day you will simply realise that you are not living in harmony with your soul and therefore decide to change everything; or that suddenly it is comprehended that each decision is being guided by fears, guilt or conditioning. Then the jump is made abruptly. Some teachers called this quantum leap phenomenon that comes without prior preparation: sudden awakening. Some of them affirm that it is not necessary to go through pain to open the doors to transformation. The truth is that I do not know if that is so, I suppose it is possible that Consciousness can penetrate you and you can let yourself be penetrated without anything having to come that tears down your personal wall. It has not happened to me like that, but it has happened to me and that is the important thing. What has happened to me can hopefully happen to others in less time, without ignoring the insistent calls of life to make a great renewal.

The possibilities within which you can recognise yourself at this time are infinite.

The transformative situation is just a calling, because we recognise that we are at a moment when something has happened that can be an opportunity for transformation, and also, that nothing is guaranteed. The transformation does not happen because you are in a transformative situation, although it is very tempting for the mind to think that. Being in a crisis situation like the ones I mentioned before, the transformation has already happened.

The situation is not transformative. The attitude towards the situation is the one that contains all the possible transformation potential. Attitude is the space-time in which transformation technology intervenes. Not the experience itself.

The situation is just the messenger, the knock at the door. It is even possible that you open the door to the situation, that you do not resist, that you do not take refuge in self-deception, or that you do not even have the possibility of doing so. Still, nothing and nobody guarantees us anything.


If, before a transformative situation, you realise, that you can adopt this attitude of “let there be nothing be left”: opening yourself so that there is nothing left of the mechanism or structure from which you had been operating until now, tearing all your clothes off to remain naked, vulnerable, open, without a safety net, with anywhere to hold onto, to think that it is possible for things to be as they were before. Any attempt to save yourself will only allow you to rebuild on your own debris.

If we can adopt the courage of the attitude “let there be nothing left”, we will finally realise that, in this act, there is an opportunity to empty ourselves of everything. From all our history, from our past, from what happened – we are ready to receive the new.

Without this “let there be nothing left” attitude, we run the risk that a small cancer cell will survive. A small stem cell, clinging to any corner, invisible, innocuous, silent … waiting only for the moment to reorganise, but in an even more sophisticated way than it had previously, to create a new, more refined, structure, on exactly the same foundations as the previous one .

The “let there be nothing left” is the true surrender to Life, allowing it to enter me, in you, for it to take away everything that needs to be taken. And return, again and again, so that the cleanse can be as complete as possible. With this attitude, the cleanse will be less devastating and deeper, until there are not even the crumbs of the structure on which I once built my life.


You may recognise the moment in which, in your life, something real, something important, something that makes you feel different, something that makes you suspect that nothing will ever be the same is happening. You may even recognise: I’ve been here before. You may even realise that, the previous time, you had not completely surrendered to the inevitable, that you resisted, holding on to any loose end that was available. The slightest thing could have served you, or maybe you didn’t allow yourself to lose hope of being able to survive.

When you lose all hope of survival, Life comes to your aid, rescues you from yourself and connects you with it so that, in each inhalation of yours, you can feel Life exhaling within you, protecting you so you can complete your path . That moment starts when you think for the first time (or the umpteenth time): “I can’t go on like this” “I’m fed up” “I can’t take it anymore” “I don’t want to go through this again, again”

If you can recognise that something is repeating itself, please do not hesitate: open the door of YOUR life and let it be LIFE who crosses the threshold, allowing it to enter you. Open all your doors and windows, allow yourself to be completely penetrated by the energy of the transformation that is inherent in life itself. It may take a while, it may even seem sometimes that it never ends, or that it is over. Trust, be patient, inhale Life, exhale yourself.


In these moments of crisis, it becomes invaluable to be surrounded by people who have that ability to support. Not precisely to support survival, but to support the total destruction of what you are not, which is what is really being debated: wanting to save the part of us that feels its survival threatened, which is not precisely the Being, who already knows that it is eternal and indestructible. That struggle for survival is just for everything we are not. Not to protect the cracks of an agonising ‘I’, but rather to compassionately remove the spear that clogs the wound, allowing it to bleed completely, holding the whole process with love.

External support is the great treasure, it is the secret that you have never been told, what you never thought could be possible: allowing you to fall to the infinity of dissolution, accompanied by people who will be there every step of the way, each recurrence, to help you complete the chemotherapy of Consciousness.

I could not have done this alone. I would have continued fighting for survival, seeing how my own structure, my own self, my own conditioning, continued to rebuild, again and again. Perhaps, if you open up to ask for the support and help of a temporary teacher outside of you, it may take less time than I have taken to free myself from me.

Laura Torrabadella

Director of the Centre for Inner Evolution Studies

[email protected]

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Picture of Alberto José Varela

Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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