majo sellens equipo de investigacion con alberto varela

Testimonies From Our Followers

Real testimonies, beyond the appearance.

Thanks to all the team that has had such initiative because besides making me uncomfortable with these videos - which they love - they are shedding light for many people debating between the possibility of demonising me or adoring me. The extremes are not advisable for any person who is in a process of awakening consciousness. The transcendence of what limits us depends on us putting ourselves above language, thought, voices; and beginning to trust that which manifests naturally. For some, it may be uncomfortable or negative, while for many others, it is a wonder or the most positive thing that has happened to them in their lives. Every human being is precisely at the perfect point of their evolution, and from there, they see, then perceive and value. From what is seen, one creates one's life and destiny. As Rumi rightly said: "The human being is the look, the rest is only flesh". Alberto

This series of testimonies were recorded the week during the visit of La Sexta’s Investigation Team, where Alberto Varela and a large part of our participants and team were interviewed by Majo Sellens. We wanted to take the opportunity to publish this series of testimonies that show impartially the reality that the people belonging to our global movement founded by Alberto José Varela are living.

These are testimonies of participants, students, collaborators, and residents of our communities. Our global movement is followed by thousands of people from every continent who participate in our events and live in our conscious communities.

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Picture of Alberto José Varela

Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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Is there anything beyond a goal? What is the point of transcending all objectives? Is there life beyond doing?

Many techniques and methods work very well in terms of what they offer and propose; in this sense, they have had the success they deserve. But it is not all the success they could have if they go beyond what traps them. Every conceptual structure possesses within itself a limitation that confines it from the moment of its very birth: it cannot go beyond itself. Everything that has been created and conceived from language contains the same limitations of the illusion that language creates.

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