
MYSTERY SEEKS LIFE TO MANIFEST ITSELF THROUGH CONSCIOUSNESS. Risks and benefits of the journey towards the unknown.


‘Having consciousness’ is a tragedy, but ‘being conscious’ is a blessing.

‘Having consciousness’ supposes that we can be aware of many difficult and unpleasant things like, for example, pain, sickness or the fact that we are going to die. Being able to go into the past or the future, consciousness guaranties us all kinds of psychopathy. In ‘having consciousness’ we can evade the possibility of being conscious and can fall into a deep sleep and place of disconnection from life. Sleeping in the face of the beauty of existence is a biproduct of the comfort that unconsciousness offers us.

But ‘being conscious’ supposes that we acquire an objectivity and dis-identification with things, people and circumstances which makes it possible for us to be aware that beyond what seems unpleasant may be a hidden opportunity to contemplate everything that exists and to comprehend it. The grace of seeing the preciousness of creation from duality, even just for a moment, is enough of a gift to justify all of the risk of falling into the hell of unconsciousness; being conscious of life, of freedom, of love, of the natural flow of existence and arriving at a place of being able to comprehend even the fact that some things are mysterious and can’t be comprehended; surprising ourselves and feeling wonder in facing the indescribable path of human beings whose life takes an inexplicable turn.

We will go deeper into this concept in the Conscious School® seminars, workshops and retreats; healing through conscious innocence. The unconscious, consciousness and from consciousness, and non-consciousness as an evolutionary process of mystery on the human and material plane.

“There is still time and opportunity for surprise”

Alverto Varela

(Creator of the innovative focus of the Conscious School® and the challenging Game of Comprehension®)

You can get in touch our representatives in countries around the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Australia by writing to Liana Silvery, International Coordinator.

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Picture of Alberto José Varela

Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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