
CONVENTION, TRAINING, AND MEETING TO CONNECT AND UPDATE. In Madrid, Spain with Alberto Varela: originality and creativity guaranteed.


With Alberto Varela and his most experienced team, creating the solid foundations of an international organisation.

Once a month in Madrid throughout the year 2020.

Next event: Sunday 16 to Thursday 20 February. You can attend two to four days.

Monday through Thursday (4 nights), Sunday through Thursday (3 nights), Monday through Wednesday (two nights) or Monday through Thursday (3 nights)

These retreats are of the highest level that are organised by INNER MASTERY AND CONSCIOUS SCHOOL, and represent the reference and foundation of the more than 50 retreats that we carry out each month in more than 40 countries.

International facilitators meet Alberto Varela to feed on the essence of the method and the message that we transmit to more than 1000 people a month from all over the world.


  • Conscious School Classes.
  • Training workshops in Leadership and Mentoring.
  • Psychotherapeutic integration and spiritual reintegration.
  • Dance and entheogenic expression laboratory.
  • Subtle and moderate sessions with natural substances (shamanic medicines).

The central theme of these meetings is LANGUAGE AS AN ALGORITHM OF CONSCIOUSNESS: capable of deprogramming the unconscious instructions that dominate our lives. The idea is to free ourselves from repetitive patterns and behaviours that are not in our favour, to give rise to the manifestation of what our soul wants to express.

The theme in February is Abstraction and language: conceptualisation and verbal expression. Where writings and public speeches are shared for the refinement of speech.

The ability to summarise and create concepts is closely related to the possibility of isolating and decontextualizing, which is the basis for comprehension and developing creative intelligence (not intellectuality).

In these retreats, the members of the organisation founded by Alberto Varela, are available to make continual updates and to have their own internal retreat with a great level of deepening. Those who are not part of the: AYAHUASCA INTERNATIONAL, INNER MASTERY, THE NETWORK OF HOLISTIC EPICENTRES, INNER COMMUNITIES, CONSCIOUS SCHOOL AND INNER EVOLUTION, should contact, prior to reserving their place in retreat, with Farah Atencio, the organiser, to be admitted in case they are introduced and recommended by one of the members of the organisation.

[email protected]

+34 675 94 60 90

“We are at a precious moment in the history of humanity, because we have the opportunity to give our best to the other, to the planet, and to the projects where we put our soul. Giving ourselves we will find our purpose.”

Alberto José Varela

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Picture of Alberto José Varela

Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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