alberto puesta de sol rio de la plata

AM I INSIDE OR OUTSIDE? (Part 1) A question that can take you to the beginning of a complete and inevitable transformation.


This is why I say that: “I am the enjoyment of what I live in every moment in which I am aware of myself and my consciousness.”

(IN THE PHOTO: An unforgettable moment in the sunshine, next to the De la Plata River, on a beach on Colonia, Uruguay, surrounded by people and by nature, inside myself watching the part of me that observes and perceives.)

He who observes comprehends and he who perceives thinks. Observation doesn’t draw conclusions, nor does it need to define what it sees because its purpose is to give a sense of purity back to everything that exists. For this to happen, we must put aside the mechanism of recognition. It is not necessary to recognize what it is that we observe, because observation is dedicated to DIS-IDENTIFYING; while perception creates thoughts and conclusions to label and classify. This process of elaboration of food for the mind gives it the energy to continue with an illusory life, dominating the one who identifies with what he thinks. Perception is dedicated to IDENTIFYING.

If you observe it then this is because there is an observer, and an observation that awakens consciousness. If you perceive it then this because there is a character and a script that must be interpreted so that the consciousness remains asleep.

Consciousness is objective because it has neither an object nor a goal; it is pure, immaculate, transparent, does not create definitions, does not draw conclusions, doesn’t label because it doesn’t need to create distance nor separateness from what exists. This means that what is sees, simply is, and this gives rise to the possibility that every being who is an observer can be founded purely in what they observe. If the observer looks at a star, they will be able to see that the star is a star, without attaching qualifying adjectives or classifications; this star that they see may have ceased existing a long time ago but the observer can appreciate it in the here and now. Is it alive or dead? Does it exist or is it a vision of the past? These are not things that the consciousness is concerned with. In the same way you can develop objective observation of yourself. Consciousness can penetrate layers towards the inside until it reaches the nucleus, the observer, and it can go even further than that and get to the observation itself where it can find its base in universal consciousness. In this space-time there is only unity and divinity.

At the beginning the observer can observe thoughts, the process of how conclusions are elaborated, how ideas and beliefs create reality. We can even observe our characters and the emotions that move them. We can also appreciate our environment and how this impacts us internally. Everything that arrives from the outside can be observed, as well as what you feel when something comes to visit you – a feeling, a caress – everything has the power to create thoughts. Observing the “I” is one of most daring and risky observations. It is like penetrating the depths of the shadow. Here, the power of the mind will try to interfere with this internal vision because it knows that, if the observer comes to see themselves beyond what the mind thinks, a spontaneous transformation will occur that will give rise to a process of inner evolution, through which, in a natural way, the person will be able to reach a point where they conquer observation and the universal consciousness that guides it.

The secret of such a miracle is in the fact that all thoughts are susceptible to being observed by an observer who is waking up from the illusion, if thoughts are observed more and more, including the process of creation of thought. Being able to access the mind and observe it, begins to dismantle the false power that it was using to dominate our life and the free will of the being who hadn’t yet realised that they had a false owner dictating their internal self. But if you get to your mind, using the mind itself, it will create conflict, judgement and identification. Many people believe that they observe themselves, but they are only looking at themselves from the vision of the unconsciousness. The test is in whether, in the process of looking, more divisions and distance arise. But if the one being observed is also present, they can observe this phenomenon of self-delusion that the mind produces; desperate to retain its power, the mind creates pseudo observers that, in reality, are just messengers of itself with a spiritual appearance.

When consciousness begins to awaken, observation begins to come and with it the birth of the observer who represents the spiritual vision of existence. It is a process in which, little by little, we start coming out of the dream and the sleeping state in which the unconscious dominated our life and decisions.

In observing the observation of the observer, thoughts become disconnected and the strength of the consciousness pushes them to float away like clouds. Then you are able to focus on any person, situation or object with a brazen and defiant attitude that comes from dis-identification. In the face of this internal place of observation, nothing and no one will be able to take control over you; you are inside, so much so that you become able to convert yourself into anything external that bullies or attacks you, that supports or loves you. You are so much inside that you can disappear into an observation that includes everything.

Who is reading this text? What do you perceive or interpret? What does it make you feel? If you can observe it without judgement, without defining it or classifying it, it is because you are waking up. Right now, when you eat, walk, breathe or turn your face to the sun at sunset, this is this moment to come out of all perception of existence and instead become it. Now everything is undefinable and for this reason it is infinite, eternal and profoundly moving.

Alberto José Varela

[email protected]

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Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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