The process of dissolution of the lies that dominate life.

My first retreat with Ayahuasca International was in December 2016. For a long period in my life I have been very self-destructive. I decided to join the retreat as a desperate measure, I was tired of so much suffering and I later understood that I had created most of it by myself.

In order to consolidate a healing process it is recommended to do monthly retreats in a Three Moon period, and that´s what I did. It was a great and beneficial experience, in every retreat I could access deeper layers of my being and I allowed myself to feel many suppressed feelings again and then let them go, I had kept them hidden and believing that if I ignored them they would go away. I came to see that most of my life had been a lie since I nearly never allowed myself to express words from my heart.

The origin of many wounds was revealed to me and I could clearly see how my most of my behaviour patterns were attached to those wounds, thinking that they were my personality, a part of who I am. Being aware of it with clarity created a deep acceptance and it finally made me understand that I was not broken and carrying wounds that would never heal, which is how I always thought of myself.

My perspective became clearer and more comprehensive towards things that had been taking a big part of my life, I regained my own power and acknowledged my own responsibility of how to live my life. This made me realize that I deserve to treat myself with compassion and love, allowing myself to enjoy, to feel, to get touched by my emotions and to let my feelings be the essence of how I live my life.

I was listening to Alberto speaking during a conference and he said something that really got to me
“It’s not about self-knowledge but about self-discovery, it’s not about knowing ourselves but about continuously discovering ourselves”

And this is the beauty of it, discovering our true selves beyond all the labels that have been imposed upon us.

After 3 months of retreats I am now attending the European School of Ayahuasca, it is taking my process to a deeper level and helping me to keep on with the flow of feeling, healing and living. I am grateful towards myself for dedicating my efforts and investing on my own being and happiness, and every time I keep on getting more and more surprised by the truths revealed behind the surface. To see that I’m not who I thought I was has been hard but to comprehend it also brings me a huge sense of relief, feeling that I‘m not deceiving myself anymore.

To be in a space, an environment that allows me to express anything that needs to be expressed from my hearts looks like the natural way in which life should be, but I had never experienced such a situation before.

I want to thank from my heart to all those people who have been around, present, giving their support, sharing love and committed to their own journey during these last marvelous months.

Shannon Connor  (Sweden)


Ayahuasca International holds Inner Evolution retreats with therapeutic use of Ayahuasca in several countries in Europe. Click the links for specific information on each retreat.

Barcelona, July 05 to 09

Marbella, July 05 to 09

Munich, July 05 to 09

Sweden, July 10 to 16

Mallorca, July 13 to 16

Vienna, July 13 to 16

Mexico, Riviera Maya, July 13 to 16

Alicante, July 14 to 16

Oslo, July 19 to 24

Berlin, July 20 to 23

Marbella, July 20 to 24

Tenerife, July 20 to 23

Cologne, July 27 to 30

South Sweden, July 26 to 30

Copenhagen, July 26 to 30

Eindhoven- Netherlands, July 27 to 30

Click here for a complete listing of  information of all the 2017 Ayahuasca International Retreats Calendar. It includes subsequent links to information, prices and booking procedure for each retreat.

For bookings or to request any further information call to +49 (0) 171 987 6655 (also available by whatsapp) or write to [email protected] 

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