
WE ARE CURRENTLY ON FOUR CONTINENTS SIMULTANEOUSLY. This weekend our team is in Asia, Africa, Europe and America.


Through Inner Mastery, the company responsible for organizing these retreats.

We continue with our particular economic and financial philosophy of reinvesting 100% of the profits of our companies into training and expansion. With our hands-on approach we strengthen internally so that later we can branch outwards and share what we have discovered.

Expansion is an attitude of flowing outwardly, of wanting to reach more and more people with our proposal; training is an attitude of facing or moving inward, of looking at ourselves and deepening the comprehension in being aware of the power we have as individuals and what we can offer as a team.

Both attitudes are combined to further strengthen and reinforce a structure that’s both human and democratic based on the amalgamation of talent and vocation of more than 150 people comprising this group of companies, who join thousands of other people from all over the world, those who get in contact with us requesting that we show them our modus operandi. In short: creating situations that encourage the awakening of the consciousness and the opening of the heart. We are uniting therapies with spirituality, consciousness with entheogens natural medicines, oriental with occidental, searching both inwardly and outwardly.


Today, June 1, 2019 is the first day that we are simultaneously conducting retreats of inner evolution with the conscious use of natural substances in countries spanning 4 continents.

In the coming months we will be encompassing Japan, Indonesia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other countries where we are already in the process of organizing first-time retreats.

In a few days we will be inaugurating the holistic epicenter in Buenos Aires (Argentina), in July we’ll open an epicenter in Zurich (Switzerland).  We are looking for a house to use as a base in both Israel and Portugal, to open holistic epicenters there also, and to establish ourselves legally through our companies that hold headquarters in Spain.

The month of July will see the grand opening of our Virtual Master Class, where we will be making two years’ worth of material containing elements from the workshops, retreats and lectures given in the Americas, Asia and Europe through the School of Conciousness, and filmed by Alberto José Varela, available to all those that may be interested. You can request more information at:

[email protected]


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Picture of Alberto José Varela

Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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