THE BEYOND INNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL – A Personal and Group Process with a Team Determined to Transcend


A brief history of the inner evolution which has taken us beyond ourselves. By Erik Moreno, co-creator of the school.

Dear facilitators and integrators of the INNER MASTERY INTERNATIONAL team, members of the BEINCLUB, students of the EUROPEAN SCHOOL OF AYAHUASCA, and participants in our retreats: we inform you that after the confinement and thanks to the internal metamorphosis that we have experienced over the past 3 years, we are in the perfect moment for our CONSCIOUS SCHOOL®, bolstered by our NON-METHOD, to occupy its rightful place as the central axis supporting each one of our proposals. To create space for the birth of the BEYOND INNER GLOBAL MOVEMENT, starting on the 11th of September of 2020 each person can consider themselves as being integrated into this movement towards potentiality, and can participate in our formative program.

In the face of the natural manifestation of this great and marvelous movement, other proposals are being refined just as they are becoming more centralized. This is the case of the European School of Ayahuasca; from now on it will cease to exist in order to begin a new formative path of greater depth and comprehension, going beyond the tools, techniques, and medicines.

In the last year we have seen how the European School of Ayahuasca, despite having more and more students, was an encounter in which the power was given to entheogenic substances and the conscious use of said substances. But we comprehended the importance of going beyond this in order to detach from all of the formative trajectories and approaches that are dependent on external elements. In December of 2019 the founder of the school affirmed that THE MEDICINE IS NO LONGER THE MEDICINES, rather, THE MEDICINE IS THE PRESENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE SURRENDER OF EACH INDIVIDUAL FROM TRUST, LOVE, AND AUTHORITY. 

We are facing something both great and challenging, which places us far beyond ourselves in order to attain a level of comprehension that allows us to access the mystery. Because of this, it was decided in the directors’ meeting that as of September 11th 2020 the BEYOND INNER MYSTICAL SCHOOL will be born, with the International Study Center and Academy headquarters in Madrid. With the support of different formative activities in our 11 houses, we will offer training and supervision by the mentors and teachers most experienced in the method of Inner Evolution® of the Conscious School®, Inner Mastery International® and Entheos Planet®.

Those interested in becoming students — in training, learning, and showing themselves — will receive feedback in the sessions, and will be evaluated so that they can eventually become authorized. These IMPORTANT FORMATIVE EVENTS will take place in our International Study Center of the Method of Inner Evolution in Madrid.

When the European School of Ayahuasca was born 7 years ago, Alberto Varela gave a series of precise instructions to give it meaning and direction.

We use ayahuasca in a psycho-therapeutic way, combined with other methods for self-discovery and awakening, to accompany and integrate the process that then ensues.

Paradoxically, one of the fundamental principles that sustains the School is to stop taking Ayahuasca. We use it as a channel for the expansion of consciousness until it reaches a point in which this emerges in an autonomous and natural way. For the human being, this is one of the most marvelous states that can be reached.

Principles of the original school: (European School of Ayahuasca) 

We do not work with ayahuasca; we work with consciousness.

We do not venerate or worship the tools or the techniques.

We do not give praise to anything that is separated from existence.

We do not focus on doing, we focus on being. We are not interested in the need to do something in order to achieve something else. The law of cause and effect automates us and eliminates the use of consciousness. Machines do not need an awakened consciousness; in the best of cases, they need an artificial intelligence.

We do not propose healing others, but healing ourselves. We are not focused on what is happening to others, but what can be awakened in us through connecting with others. This awakening is inspired when we are awake.

We do not work for money, we work with it. We consider money as part of the healing energy, as a motive for the evolution of material attitudes. Money is just as sacred as anything else.

We do not offer help, healing, cures, vision quests, awakening, or illumination. We offer support and accompaniment.

We do not give knowledge. We do not transfer experiences. We do not teach others. Rather, we activate the capacity of knowing what each person has within. Knowing cannot be given; it must be produced in the interior of each human being upon entering into the unknown with trust.

We do not promise results or solutions. We offer tools and resources for empowerment.

We do not give therapy or treatment. We do not offer transformation or change. We are comprehending.

We are not part of any ayahuasca, spiritual, or therapeutic organization. Without ayahuasca we will continue to do the same thing. We do not follow any indigenous tradition, spiritual school, or life philosophy.

We do not have a rigid way of doing things. We are creating, re-designing, and re-elaborating. We do not go by fixed rules, nor do we generalize; we consider the individuality of each moment and situation.

We do not base ourselves on degrees or careers, but on the experience and the charismatic manifestation of the soul. A human being that does not judge, that is clean, is wonderful. The pure gaze is our greatest capital.

There is no salvation or solution. We do not want to — nor can we — save anyone, the world, or humanity. There is no solution to the uncontrollable growth that the unconscious has experienced throughout history. The only thing we know that we must do is Transcend. This is to Heal the soul, liberating it from the ties of conditioning.

We do not lean on strict plans or pre-defined agendas, rather on spontaneity and order. Trus has shown us how to flow, just as it has shown us the love of surrendering and the freedom to open up. This is the order that we respect: 1 – Trust, 2 – Love, 3 – Freedom. Everything else comes after.

We do not contribute to attachment to or the admiration of facilitators, techniques, or exemplary referents.

We do not propose guidelines for who to follow or imitate. Each person follows themselves.

We do not stimulate the attainment of goals, objectives, or high ideals. Rather, we allow flourishing.

We do not suggest nor do we intend for people to change or improve. Rather, that they realize what they are not.

We say YES to living, YES to loving, YES to being free, YES to comprehending, YES to reconciling, YES to experiences that we must pass through. YES to the possibility that our fear and our conditioning cannot control us or impede our flourishing.

Now, after almost 7 years, I can observe something beautiful…

The original principles and foundations of the European School of Ayahuasca already contained their own dissolution as a natural consequence of an inevitable expansion. The essence of these principles has been transformed into 11 premises that represent a manifesto to the psycho-therapeutic and spiritual community. 

Erik Moreno

Supervisor of the Beyond Inner Academy


Alberto José Varela

Founder of companies and organizations; creator of techniques, methods and schools; author of several books. Self-taught student, researcher, and international conference speaker, with more than 40 years of experience in organizational management and HR. He is currently growing his influence in the motivational, therapeutic, and spiritual sectors through the evolutionary message that he transmits.

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