The campaign consists in stating that I am inexperienced, a liar and a danger for people who take Ayahuasca. With that effect they invented a lie which was sustained for only a year. (Alberto Varela)


When all of this emerged just over a year ago, I spoke to Taita Querubin and his grandson because I could not believe that they were telling such a lie. They signed two authorisation letters at different times. During my dialogue with them I became aware that they were under pressure from Governor Cofán to lie because Esteban Monti led a campaign against Ayahuasca Internacional (as a consequence of us having expelled him from the organisation because he did not meet the orders of the European School of Ayahuasca). Monti is one of the Cofan Governor´s friends, which is why he was used for this task.

 The Cofan Governor accepted the bribe from Esteban Monti (London) who paid him to create this campaign. The Cofan Governor’s name is Lorenzo Morales and he is not indigenous (although he leads many indigenous people politically). A few years ago, he made himself an indigenous Identity Card and now he sells indigenous doctor Identity Cards to others for the sum of €1000 each. He also entered the bribe business taking advantage of his position of power; he received money from Esteban Monti to make Querubin deny signing a letter to me and also he organised more than 100 alleged scientists and institutions ayahuasqueras signing a letter and warning memo stating the danger I pose for those who attend my retreats.

 Now taita Querubín´s grandson has dared to report this international scam that infringes upon the Cofán nation and also leaves exposed thousands of people who wished to see me publicly crucified. Now that they have the proof to see, they need to think about how to retract before my lawyers demand them for libel.

Truth had to come out sooner or later. I did not want to position myself until this exploded by itself.

 It is shameful that 100 scientists and known institutions such as ICEERS or Eleusis Association, La Plantaforma, etc…o celebrities such as Carlos Gaviria or Josep Fericla among other many reckless ayahuasqueros who love slandering other ayahuasqueros have joined the defamatory campaign against me without even checking the information, or asking me directly. They just dedicated themselves to copying and pasting the link saying I WAS NOT AUTHORISED BY TAITA QUERUBIN TO GIVE AYAHUASCA. And that I had forged Querubín´s signature. They loved the news so much that they could not resist and published it in all pages, blogs and social networks. I offered to present the original copy of the two letters that the taita provided more than 10 years ago. However, nobody wanted to see, check or verify them.


THIS IS THE PROOF: (Summary of communications with Taita Querubin Queta´s grandson)

 7th SEPTEMBER 2016

 Communication from Victor Queta, TAITA QUERUBIN QUETA ALVARADO´s grandson, leading Cofán authority, about the authorisation given to Alberto José Varela.

“My name is Victor Queta and I´m absolutely furious because they made my grandfather Querubín Queta Alvarado sign…this letter…(against Alberto Varela)

I am witness that they brought the press and made my grandfather Querubín say that he never gave the authorization to Alberto Varela.

It is true that many years ago he gave him an authorization long before the governor arrived at our community…

I am going to sue, already it is in a lawyer´s hands as they are harming my reputation as things are not as they have stated in that memo…I informed the top authority in the Cofán nation, who is my grandfather and we will see what the lawyer says…there are many things to tell, but I have something in mind, if the law is for one it may be for all….

blessings for all and I hope to clarify this announcement very soon because things are not as many people were thinking and reading those news and publications which are in facebook”


Link from ICCERS that joint the defamation:

Representatives of the Cofán nation broadcast a memo about Ayahuasca Internacional / MIPUTUMAYO.com.co




“I want to leave prove that I have not been able to go to the Colombian jungle in more than a year because I have received death threats by Lorenzo Morales and Esteban Monti´s people. In our hostel in Mocoa, Morales´ employees are controlling when I can arrive to attack me physically.

All started with a fake memorandum against me. Now I hope that they will busy themselves disseminating it with as much enthusiasm as they did the lies.”


Alberto José Varela

 [email protected]


Click here for a complete listing of  information of all the 2017 Ayahuasca International Retreats Calendar . It includes subsequent links to information, prices and booking procedure for each retreat.

Ayahuasca International holds Inner Evolution retreats with therapeutic use of Ayahuasca in several countries in Europe. Click the links for specific information on each retreat.

Barcelona, July 05 to 09

Marbella, July 05 to 09

Munich, July 05 to 09

Sweden, July 10 to 16

Mallorca, July 13 to 16

Vienna, July 13 to 16

Mexico, Riviera Maya, July 13 to 16

Alicante, July 14 to 16

Oslo, July 19 to 24

Berlin, July 20 to 23

Marbella, July 20 to 24

Tenerife, July 20 to 23

Cologne, July 27 to 30

South Sweden, July 26 to 30

Copenhagen, July 26 to 30

Eindhoven- Netherlands, July 27 to 30

Click here for a complete listing of  information of all the 2017 Ayahuasca International Retreats Calendar. It includes subsequent links to information, prices and booking procedure for each retreat.

For bookings or to request any further information call to +49 (0) 171 987 6655 (also available by whatsapp) or write to [email protected] 

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