
INNER MASTERY IN MILAN. WE HAVE MOVED INTO A SUPER COMFORTABLE HOUSE IN A NATURAL SETTING, to share the powerful technology of transformation of our Inner Evolution methodology.



For The Past 5 Years We Have Been In Italy, Developing Our Recovery Program For All Types Of People.

I could talk about many things in relation to what we have done in Italy in the past 5 years; from the fact that we already have three Epicentres (houses for human development activities) – in Rome, Turin and Milan – to the fact that we have travelled all around Italy giving conferences and hosting retreats, to the fact that there is already a group of more that 100 students and integrators of the organisation working actively to expand our methodology, making available tools that serve people in taking steps to evolve whatever they need to in this moment. But right NOW I want to focus on just one thing, and it is related to the miracle that can occur in a person when they decide to change their life and make a shift in themselves towards the light, towards love, reconciliation, creativity and FAMILY. This one thing that I’d like to talk about is proof, a demonstration, evidence that at any given moment in life, it is possible to start anew; this thing I am going to talk about has a name: Michela Quaglia. She comes from a good and wonderful family, but having fallen into so many destructive behaviours, Michela grew apart from her family and from the love that she had been given. This happens in many families, that having given their best to their children; still the children end up on destructive paths. Our organisation is a FAMILY, not of blood, but of spiritual affection. That said, within our family there are many couples with children, as we are such lovers of family, of bonds of affection and of a type of education and conscious co-living based on unconditional acceptance, and stemming from the basis that every individual needs to find themselves so they can then share with those close to them. The case that I’d like to mention in this article is of the first Italian person I came into contact with when I first arrived at Turin airport. It was in November of 2013. A young woman named Michela Quaglia came to pick me up. She was twenty-something years’ old and she drove me in her car to the place where we were hosting our first inner evolution retreat with the use of Ayahuasca in Italy. She was one of the participants and she was in a really bad way. Her life had lost all meaning. While we spoke, I could see and understand her situation. As we travelled towards Cuneo for the retreat my heart beat intensely, visualising what this young woman could be if she focused her authentic energy of love in the direction of her soul. A month later, Michela had taken her process seriously. She went as far as Switzerland to take part in her second retreat with us, but this time she was accompanied by her mother who had just arrived from China. Another month on and we were back in the Alps, this time in a house near Cuneo, where Michela completed her third retreat. Without going into details, all I want to mention is that it is truly astonishing to recall each moment of her healing process; it is proof that transformation is possible. Next, Michela spent a season in the jungle to continue her process with shamans. She came back, trained in our European School of Ayahuasca and began to work with us. She got married, had 2 children, is currently the Director of Human Resources of our organisational group that directs and operates 4 international companies. She manages more than 180 people, as well as being head of her home, mother of two small children and an administrative associate of Inner Mastery Italy SRL, that she has the pleasure of sharing with her partner Erik Moreno and with my partner Paula Carmona. When something happens that changes life forever, there is nothing that can be done other than observe and enjoy the process. It is spectacular to see the transformation of a human being when they change the direction of their destiny. (Photo Left: MICHELA WITH HER PARTNER AND THEIR SECOND CHILD. Photo Right: MICHELA WITH HER PARTNER AND FATHER LIVIO) Michela is from Cuneo, Piamonte. She came from a really complicated life. I don’t want to delve into private details – maybe one day she will make them public – but her life was that of a youth who spends the best years of their life in the worst possible way. Now Michela will be with me for the launch of our new Epicentre for holistic transformation in Milan. It will be an honour to be accompanied by someone who dared to take the leap towards a total transformation from a life without meaning to being truly happy, creating a family and, at the same time, being part of a bigger family; the family I have founded in the environment of this organisation that I lead, this family that we lovingly call a family of light or of crazy people who are open to doing whatever is necessary to bring back harmony and peace to our lives. IT IS BEYOND OBVIOUS THAT YOU CAN’T LET YOURSELF MISS OUT ON THIS… We will be all together giving a conference in Milan on 13th November and then hosting a retreat from 14th to 17th in our new house that we will be unveiling with a visit from an important contingent from the Inner Mastery International team. We are a group of companies dedicated to delivering the message to the world that transformation is possible in every human being who opens themselves up to life, to love and to mystery. We have lots to share through our Conscious School®, where we teach classes in order to comprehend ourselves, and where we don’t use any sort of shamanic substance other than the conscious word; the word as a tool for illumination, the word guided by a free and open heart that desires liberty for the human being. Additionally, we will host an Inner Evolution Retreat with the conscious use of entheogenic* substances brought from the jungle that help enable a deep transformation from the understanding that they give us the energy of pure nature when they enter into our body to awaken the most fundamental values that have transformative power. (*Ayahuasca, Bufo Alvarius, Yopo, Kambo, Inwasi, etc) To participate in Inner Evolution Retreats with the conscious use of entheogens, you must first register with the Inner Mastery International Cultural Association. It will give me great pleasure to be present in person to accompany this moment of expansion in Italy of the INNER EVOLUTION® methodology and of the CONSCIOUS SCHOOL®. My gandparents were Italian and, although I was born in Argentina, I hold in my soul gratitude for being connected so deeply with Italy and with Italian people. Alberto José Varela [email protected]

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Picture of Alberto José Varela

Alberto José Varela

Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de técnicas, métodos y escuelas; autor de varios libros. Estudiante autodidacta, investigador y conferencista internacional, con una experiencia de más de 40 años en la gestión organizacional y los RRHH. Actualmente crece su influencia en el ámbito motivacional, terapéutico y espiritual a raíz del mensaje evolutivo que transmite.

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